Click on the number below that best describes your submission request

I want to submit an event, but I do not have a website or event page

I want to purchase a guaranteed event list posting or hire an event photographer

I want to submit an event and I do have a website or event page

  1. Event Submission without website or event page

2. purchase sponsored post & Photography request FORM

3. Submit your event page link

Why was my event not included, even though I submitted it on time?

When submitting events, always take into consideration that the person viewing your event is unfamiliar with who you are, what the venue is, who the music artist is you’re bringing or the type of music they play, or anything that may seem like common knowledge to you, is probably not to the reader.

Provide information that would help people visualize what it’s like to attend the event. This doesn’t mean adding a ton of descriptive words (i.e amazing, fabulous, exciting, etc), but rather describe if the venue is small / large, is it dim-lit, or colorful, is there a dress code preference, what made you choose the vendors or artists that you brought to your event, and what the run-of-show might be where you highlight the important parts of the event (i.e we’ll have speakers at 7pm, at 8:30pm a drum line will march around the building, etc).

I try to include as many event submissions I can, but some common reasons why your event is not placed is :

  • Submitting too late. Event list is posted every Thursday. All submissions for that Thursday list must be submitted by the Sunday prior.

  • Submitting an event that takes place weekly / bi-weekly. Monthly events are great, or if it is a weekly event, the first time that it occurs is also OK.

  • Submitting an online / zoom event. Only in-person events are posted

  • Only submitting the bare minimum; title, time, venue and cost with no information on what the event actually is. A 3-4 sentence description is generally the sweet spot which would describe what the reader should expect when attending your event.

    If you have any questions or would like advice on event submissions, please feel free to reach out at